Früchtchen Shooter v.1.01


I updated "Früchtchen Shooter":

- Made it prettier
- Thought I fixed two bugs, but added another one

Because nobody is going to play this, and because I don't have any time right now, I am going to try to fix those Bugs in two weeks. 

Causes for all of the following bugs are known, but I don't know how to fix them: 

- One Fruit is replaced by another fruit
- Shooting a fruit into the top right corner of the sceen places the fruit one field to the left
- Restarting the game, while a restart is in process, breaks the game and you have to reopen the game
    -> Changing the number of colors does not work

Thus ends my DevLog.

PS: Sorry for my bad English


FrüchtchenShooter.apk 82 MB
Aug 31, 2024
FrüchtchenShooter.apk.idsig 677 kB
Aug 31, 2024 Play in browser
Aug 31, 2024

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(2 edits)

Hello Dear Josh!
I really enjoyed this fun little game about killin' fruits. Though my hate against those evil bastards is real, i couldn't find any fitting fruit in my booklet about fruits that resemble the purple fruit and the green fruit. So my question really is: "Do you just hate those two colors so much that you made me (the player) hate them, as i now reference them as fruit in my head?". I would really much appreciate an answer so i won't have to report this game for wrong profiling of colors! But i would also like to add that i had fun playing your game but had wished that a small highscore counter would be visible for myself so i can keep up with how many fruits i have demolished. I really much appreciated the physics in this game, meaning how the fruit doesn't just stop when hitting another evil fruit but bouncing back a little. Thank you for bringing back hope in my life!

Thus ending my little UserComment,
with best regards,

PS: Sorry for my bad english, for i myself am not english but german(haha  BMW)


Hello my dearest Jonah,
I am delighted to hear that you enjoyed this game. Even though I did everything I could with my terrible drawing skills, I am willing to admit that some (or most) of the fruits are not easily identifiable. So here is a table of colors and their corresponding fruits:

ColorFruitHow much I like the color on a scale of 0-10

Hopefully this table made your hatred for the Colors purple and green vanish, though I'd understand if you now hate me. I may alter some of the sprites in a later update.
Adding a score and highscore should be a simple task, so I will most likely get that done in two weeks. 
Thanks for the appreciation of the physics! I am glad that I gave you an outlet for your anger towards fruit.

With better than best regards,

PS: What a coincidence! I am German too :O